After completion of this course you will become a Certified Scuba Diver, allowing you the freedom to dive anywhere in the world! This course is broken down into three sessions. The classroom session, learn about the equipment along with the science and safety of diving. This can be done in a classroom setting or online through our PADI (E-learning link below. Start E-Learning at anytime and your own pace). Next you complete in water skills sessions, and last but not least, your check out dives where. your instructor leads you on your first 4 actual scuba dives where you will demonstrate the skills you've learned.
(E-Learning partially paid through link) Total Course Price $695
Course Cost Includes: Class room or Online portion, Open Water Diver manual, Log Book, Rental Dive Equipment, entry into local open water dive sites for class, and certification card.
Not included: mask, fins, snorkel and dive boots